La science derrière Envol


Envol est un guide vers la pleine santé, permettant aux gens d'améliorer leur bien-être quotidien. Envol aide les utilisateurs à créer les bonnes conditions dans lesquelles leur corps peut guérir. Ces conditions, que nous appelons « ressources», ou « ressources de santé », reposent sur plusieurs besoins fondamentaux, à savoir :


La lumière naturelle (du soleil)

Une alimentation saine

Contact avec la terre / nature (parc, mer, plage, forêt, etc.)

Gratitude / amour (pour les autres, pour soi-même, pour la vie)

• Équilibre entre activité physique et repos (repos mental & sommeil)


L'effet positif des besoins / activités ci-dessus sur la santé humaine a été médicalement prouvé dans de nombreuses études, que nous avons rassemblées et mentionnées ci-dessous. Toutes ces conditions réunies créent le score bien-être d'Envol, qui est un indicateur des efforts des utilisateurs pour améliorer leur santé et leur bien-être. Une étude pour évaluer les effets d'Envol sur la santé, l'énergie et le bien-être a été menée en juillet 2021 sur 220 participants.

Au cours de cette étude de 4 semaines, les utilisateurs d'Envol ont déclaré qu'ils avaient:

  • amélioré leur santé
  • eu plus d'énergie
  • amélioré leur humeur
  • vu une réduction de leurs symptômes
  • amélioré leur productivité.

Vous pouvez retrouver l'intégralité de l'étude en bas de cette page.

Pour améliorer leur score et accéder à un état de guérison, les utilisateurs d'Envol peuvent utiliser la boîte à outils dans l'application avec des méditations guidées, des affirmations positives, de la musique de visualisation, des voyages sonores 3D et un module de respiration.


Documents médicaux et littérature



Nourriture saine


Nature / contact avec la nature




Repos mental


Mouvement / activité physique




Combination des ressources de santé

Style de vie

Alimentation/activité physique/mode de vie sain

Activité physique, Plein air et santé mentale

Activité physique & Sommeil

Activité physique, équilibre sommeil & repos



Étude médicale menée par Envol 

(extrait de l'étude écrite en anglais)

The aim of this research was to investigate whether mHealth opens new avenues for chronic illness management, in order to improve long term treatment impacts and overall health. Specifically, the potential of mHealth application use, with a particular focus on the Envol app, was evaluated over a 1-month pilot study.

Underpinned by the IMPT model, the overarching hypothesis was that, with more frequent mHealth use, there will be a greater improvement in symptom severity and overall health. The current results support this hypothesis, reporting that overall, despite how severe symptoms were, regular mHealth usage was associated with improved mental and physical health outcomes four weeks later. This remained the case, despite how severe symptoms were, whether it was assessing symptoms right now, on average and/or at worst. Moreover, qualitative assessment revealed how Envol’s visualization and meditation features were particularly beneficial to users. Moreover, users appreciated the flexibility of the app for integration into daily wellbeing activities and regarded the app as a key component in maintaining hope and resilience in their individual wellness journeys.

These results suggest that mHealth related apps, such as Envol, may benefit individuals’ health, as well as symptom severity, when used regularly (either daily, almost daily or 3-4 times a week). Among individuals who only used Envol daily, there were significant improvements in all health concepts, except physical functioning and role functioning/physical. However, it is worth noting, that while only six out of eight health concepts improved at the statistical significance levels, all concepts did in fact show improvements. As for symptom severity, daily Envol use improved symptom severity ‘right now’ and ‘on average’, but not for when ‘at worst’. Furthermore, when taking Envol scores into account, those that scored ’70 or more’ showed significant improvements in all three severity ratings; however, those that scored 69 or less only showed significant improvements for symptom severity ‘right now’ and ‘on average’, but not ‘at worst’. This implies that, in order to gain maximum health benefits from Envol, efforts to engage with the application and score highly are important - especially for those experiencing symptoms at their worst.

These conclusions are strengthened when controlling for use of other health related applications. For instance, when assessing Envol usage along with other health related applications, such as mindfulness training, we see significant improvements in all health domains, which was consistent regardless of symptom severity. However, when controlling for users who conjunctively used these other applications, and when only assessing those who used Envol, we still saw substantial and significant improvements in most health-related outcomes. Furthermore, when asked whether participants would recommend Envol to their friends and family, 95.8% responded positively. These findings show promise for the use of Envol specifically, in helping individuals manage and improve their health-related outcomes. The findings also indicate that, in order to benefit the most from Envol, daily usage seems to offer the most potential at improving health related outcomes. Indeed, among regular users, regardless of whether users had a score of below or under 70, symptom severity decreased at statistically significant levels compared to prior to Envol usage. This finding was qualitatively validated in the semi-structured discussion, in which participants expressed getting the most out of the app when using it to regularly track and manage their symptoms and keep themselves focused on their wellness goals on a daily basis.

Pour voir l'étude complète, veuillez cliquer ici.