Gratitude Affirmations to help transform your day

It’s safe to say that the terms "gratitude" and "affirmations" could be considered buzzwords in the already saturated world of self-development. It’s not uncommon for their very mention to elicit an eye-roll or two. However, upon closer inspection our fascination with these concepts has proven to be more than just another New Age phenomenon. So what’s all the fuss about?

The Power of Gratitude Affirmations:

The many benefits of gratitude
What are gratitude affirmations?
How do you write gratitude affirmations?
Foster an attitude of gratitude with Envol’s affirmations
Other ways to practice gratitude

The many benefits of gratitude

If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”

This quote is attributed to the 13th century theologian and philosopher, Meister Eckhart. It seems that the sages and saints have been harping on about the virtues of gratitude for quite some time, and for good reason.

Research has shown that those who regularly practice gratitude have a myriad of health benefits to look forward to. This includes improved happiness, better sleep, a greater capacity for resilience in the face of stress, along with improved immune function to boot! Such are the innumerable benefits of gratitude for both the body and mind; we have dedicated a blog post to it. Be sure to check it out if you’re looking to dive a little deeper into the research.

Here at Envol, we've always recognised how crucial gratitude is for your wellbeing, which is why it's one of our 7 nourishments. We have also devoted an entire category of affirmations to this topic.

We believe the consistent practice of gratitude and self-affirmations has the power to induce incredible positive change in your life. When you marry the two together, they make for the ultimate combination!

We want you to experience this for yourself, so keep reading and discover the transformative power of gratitude affirmations!

What are gratitude affirmations?

As the name suggests, gratitude affirmations are just that: they are positive statements designed to express your feelings of appreciation and thankfulness for all of the good things in your life.

How do you write gratitude affirmations?

To be most effective, all affirmations should be personal and apply to you, your life and whatever it is you endeavour to achieve. For this reason, affirmation statements typically start with “I” or “I am” followed by a positive quality.

Repetition is another crucial component when it comes to all things affirmations. For best results, it’s important to be consistent with your affirmations and repeat them frequently. This is because the repetitious aspect serves to influence the subconscious mind more easily into positive action.

If you’re looking to gain some more insight into the science behind positive affirmations and exactly how it is they work, have a read of our previous blog post.

Foster an attitude of gratitude with Envol’s affirmations

If you find yourself struggling to find some inspiration when it comes to affirmations, don’t fret as Envol has your back!

Simply choose to devote a few minutes (even just 5 minutes works wonders) each day to your self-affirmation practice. Make the conscious choice to infuse your day with a sprinkling of positivity and watch your mood (and day) transform!

The next time you catch yourself stuck in a negative thought rut, try repeating some of these positive affirmations, all of which are available on the Envol app:

  • I see every day as a gift.
  • I am grateful for the life I’m living.
  • I am thankful for the air I breathe, the food I eat, and the earth I walk on.
  • I give thanks for each exquisite moment.
  • I recognize every blessing, no matter how small.
  • I am grateful for the little things in life that bring me joy.
  • Every day I have more to be grateful for.
  • I am thankful for the ability to learn and grow.
  • I appreciate all the things my wonderful body allows me to do.
  • I gratefully receive the lessons that each experience brings.
  • Every person I meet can teach me something, and for that I am grateful.
  • I am grateful that I’m able to make a difference in this world.
  • I am grateful to be myself.
  • I have the power to make my dreams come true.

These are just a taster of the empowering affirmations we’ve created to uplift and inspire you! The Envol toolbox features an extensive library of affirmations with themes such as Self-love, Abundance, Success, Health, Forgiveness and Good Morning. We even have a Work (attracting) category of affirmations to help you land that dream job!

Why not download the app for free today and explore them all for yourself?

While affirmations are an amazing way to practice gratitude, there are many different mediums you can use to introduce the magic of gratitude into your life.

Other ways to practice gratitude

In addition to our curated selection of affirmations, the Envol toolbox contains an abundance of options to help elevate your gratitude practice. From our amazing 3D Sound Journeys and Meditations, to our motivating Visualization Music, we’ve got something to keep everyone happy.

You know those days where you roll out of bed grumpy, spill your morning beverage and it feels as if nothing is going right? Well, as they say, if you win your morning you win your day! So what better way to start it off on the right note than with our Perfect Morning meditation?

Sometimes all it takes is 10 minutes in the morning to turn your perspective around, and go from grumpy to grateful! One Envol user writes:


If you’re looking for an easy way to incorporate more gratitude into your life, implementing a daily affirmation practice makes for a great start. What’s more, affirmations are free, don’t require much time, and, most importantly, they make you feel good. What’s not to love? So why not put any doubts you may have to the side, and discover the incredible power of our gratitude affirmations for yourself!

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